二. 性能特点:
被加熱water water頭損失≤0.25m,不影響系統cold和hot water壓力平衡。
傳熱系數高,不易結垢。采用float盤板技術,由於換熱pipewall頻繁震動使layered flow heat轉變為turbulent flow heat,大幅提高傳熱系數。此外,由於float盤板溫度變化帶來的自我清潔效果,即使有結垢也容易自動脫落,這樣保證了較好的換熱效果。
4.. 捷徑傳_heat 效果好、高容積利用率。而傳統contain式換_heat設備由於其內部布局問題造成內部流量緩慢、阻力大冷和warm不均等問題,因此其有效開關time僅40%-50%左右本產品則具有6~9倍之多。在相同container大小的情況下,本產品每次進行一次完整循環就可以達到同樣效果,但實際所需時間卻明顯短于傳統設備。此外,本設備設計中有多個獨立運作但又互連協作工作的小單位,每個單位都對前一個單位進行適當調整以確保最佳性能從而達到最高效益。
5.. 容積式「寶塔」構造,使得贮存部分贮有15~30分钟以上の火力的溫暖液體,被加熱液體頭損失小于或等于0·25米,因此它在設置自動溫控閥的情況下仍然保持供給液體壓力和溫度穩定安全節約同時舒適使用特性。
DFHRV container-style heat exchanger, horizontal floating plate semi-container type heat exchanger: This product combines the advantages of floating plate technology with the performance indicators of a container-type system, making it suitable for systems that experience significant fluctuations in load or short-term high peaks in hot water demand.
The key features of this product include:
1.. The transmission efficiency is high due to the vibration of the floating plates, which transforms laminar flow into turbulent flow and increases transmission efficiency.
2.. It has a certain adjustment capacity for storage volume, ensuring stable supply during peak usage periods.
3.. Compared to ordinary container-type heat exchangers, this device saves steel materials and reduces equipment costs and construction expenses.
4.. Regardless of whether using steam as a medium or exchanging energy between two liquids, the hot source discharge temperature is low and energy utilization is maximized.
5.. Startup time is fast because once heated liquid reaches the top outlet without requiring most cold liquid to be heated before being supplied externally.
6., Transmission coefficient high: Using copper pipes with high thermal conductivity combined with an optimized internal structure enables fluids flowing through exchange tubes to increase speed and form strong turbulence significantly enhancing external pipe wall transfer coefficients at 2000 - 1200 Kcal / m²·h·°C level.
7., Easy cleaning: Because this unit employs copper pipes along with fluid turbulence effectively brushing pipe walls against settling scale layers via thermal expansion contraction effects leading self-cleaning action thus minimizing maintenance workloads while maintaining efficient energy consumption levels.
8., No cold zones exist; therefore its volume use rate can reach up to 98%. Even when operating below rated supply capacity where all stored cold fluid within tank bottom heats up concurrently no "cold zones" occur thus maximizing available storage space by reducing downtime spent waiting for full heating cycles completion before supplying fresh warm liquid outwards
9., Energy-efficient operation: By condensing cooling media under 80°C temperatures after initial phase process (preheating), ensures efficient power management throughout entire cycle duration rather than wasting precious resources on unnecessary reheating steps during long run times allowing users substantial cost savings over extended lifespan periods