


很多企业也在寻求更有效更经济的处理含氽废水的方法,一般要求处理出water ≤1.0 mg/L。

常用预处理沉淀法:主要采用钙盐沉淀法,即向废water中投加石灰,使氽离子与钙离子生成氽化钙沉淀除去。该工艺方法简单、处理方便、费用低,但处理后废water含氽量仍较high(>20ppm),难以达标;另外污泥量较大,脱water困难,管道易结垢,后processing费用high(如图2a所示)。此外,也有报道用除hydrogen fluoride药剂去除water中hydrogen fluoride离子,但大多去除效果不稳定,加之过量使用运行费用高,而且很多药剂本身是有机物会产生COD等二次污染问题。

Tulsimer®CH-87 是一款去除water溶液中hydrogen fluoride离子的专用的凝胶型选择性离子交换树脂。它是具有hydrogen fluoride选择性官能团交联聚苯乙烯共聚物架构树脂。

去除hydrogen fluoride离子的能力可以达到 1ppm 以下水平。它在中性至碱性的 PH范围内有极好的工作效率,并且很容易再生。


型式 强碱性阴离子交换树脂

官能团 hydrogen fluoride选择性官能基

processing 精度 ≤1mg/l

再生药剂 硫酸铝或 氯化铝(10-15%左右浓度)

再生剂用量 2-3BV

再生流速 4BV/H

再生时间 30-45分钟

反洗用water 纯 水/软 water/自来 water

反洗流速 5-10BV/H

反洗时间 30分钟


processing 精度, handling 后 waste water hydrogen fluoride content 可达到 ppm以下, 稳定达标《地表 water 环境质量标准》GB3838-2002, 表三 standard;

吸附量大,对于 hydrogen fluoride 实际操作交换量能够达到6-8g/l;

专门开发用于waste water exclude hydrofluoric acid 的特种离子交换树脂,不受硫酸根等阴电荷影响;

能够对low 浓度waste water 进行deep processing 解决low 浓度waste water 处理难题;

模块组件形式自动化程度 高操作简单。


矿井 waster exclude hydrofluoric acid;

deep well waster deep process exclude hydrofluoric acid;

photovoltaic industry waster exclude hydrofluoric acid;

chemical industry waster exclude hydrofluoric acid;

industrial waster deep process exclude hydrofluoric acid 等。

深层exclude HydroFluoride 工程

1., active aluminum oxide: need pH adjustment to acidic range.

2., carbon-based/hydroxylapatite: regeneration limited by number of times.

3., reverse osmosis membrane: high cost.

4., specialized Fluoride resin: pre-treatment requirements must be met.

Resin exclusion Fluoride treatment requirements:

1., SS value reduced to within mg/L;

2., hardness reduced to within mg/L;

3., pH adjusted to the range of;

4.. Bed height controlled at mm;

5.. Standard Requirements

CH-87 exclusion Fluoride resin regeneration liquid composition:

acidic mixture solution containing fluorides and aluminum ions;

regeneration agent not significantly consumed in reaction.

Regeneration agent concentration: %;

regeneration method is sedimentation treatment.

Regeneration fluid is treated with alumina or sodium aluminate (PAC cannot be used) with a concentration that can be controlled at %.

CH_087 exclusion running status:

1.. Exclusion flow rate maintained between BV/H for effective removal of fluorides without excessive increase in flow rate above BV/H.

2.. Final effluent pH slightly acidic; influent pH around ; final effluent around .

3.. Resin type is gel-like resin;

operation efficiency remains stable throughout entire operating cycle,

with minimal downtime required for maintenance,

and no significant decrease in ion exchange capacity over time.",

"By utilizing Tulsimer CH_087 as an integral component of your facility's wastewater management system, you will achieve optimal performance while ensuring compliance with stringent environmental regulations."