生活中,我们常听到身边有人这么说: “哦豁!又长了个痘” “近皮肤好差噢” “啊今晚要做个面膜才行”...... 当心!压力大、口味儿重、作息不规律,危害我们皮肤健康的杀手越来越多,造成的皮肤问题也让我们自嘲是“翻转石榴皮”。其实,皮肤变差除了这些常见的原因,还有件事 易被我们忽略:厨房油烟。危险!你知道吗?厨房油烟含多种刺激性有害物质,而且具有黏性,会附着在我们的皮肤上堵塞毛孔,导致细胞活性下降。日积月累,皮肤变得松弛无弹性、灰暗无光,会引发多种皮肤问题。油烟还会损害我们的呼吸道健康,就像“吸两包烟”。(以上画面截图来源于央视等权威媒体)做饭产生的油烟如果吸除不净,还会飘散在空气中,污染家庭空气环境,伤害家人健康!吸它!作为集成灶行业领头羊,亿田直致力于打造无烟健康厨房,因此当然不会对油烟问题袖手旁观!亿田集成灶下置风机侧吸下排 oil smoke absorption rate as high as 99.95% ! Powerful suction makes oil smoke nowhere to escape, firmly grasping the golden smoke control distance! In front of oil smoke spreading, it absorbs and refuses to face it with oil smoke! This block of absorbing oil smoke makes Yuan Tai grasp it tightly! Import static fan, waterproof motor, full-sealed fume chamber Strong confidence comes from over-hard quality Want low-key, but quality does not allow it! Action! Many people put their hopes for skin problems on skincare products, unaware that solving problems requires starting from the root, especially those easily overlooked parts. Choose Yuan Tai stove and create a new kitchen without smoking air environment for yourself and your family members' health. Let's have only a happy home taste!