东海县附近食品厂、制药厂寻求二手反应釜?欢迎您联系专业回收公司!常年供应二手化工设备,包括不锈钢和搪瓷反应釜、冷凝器、离心机、干燥机等。大量回收冷凝器设备,为制冷的机件,属于换热器的一种,能把气体或蒸气转变成,将管子中的热量,以很快的传到管子附近的空气中。冷凝器工作是个放热的,所以冷凝器温度都是较高的。发电厂要用许多冷凝器使涡轮机的蒸气冷凝。在冷冻厂中用冷凝器来冷凝氨和氟利昂之类的制冷蒸气。石油化学工业中用cold-cooling tower to condense hydrocarbons and other chemical vapors. In distillation, a device that converts steam into liquid is also called a cold-cooling tower. All cold-cooling towers are machines that carry away the heat of gases or vapors while operating.
Our company specializes in purchasing and selling second-hand chemical equipment, starch equipment, food processing equipment, pharmaceutical equipment, feed machinery and oil processing machinery. We have second-hand reactors, ceramic-lined reactors, stainless steel reactors, filter presses (cylindrical filter presses), centrifuges (three-legged centrifuges), separators (coagulation sedimentation centrifuges), dryers (double-cone dryers), flash dryers , Spray dryers , Fluidized bed dryers , Gas fluidized bed dryers , Roll dryer s . We also have evaporators (thin-film evaporators) and condensers for sale.
We welcome you to contact us for any inquiries on our products!