




随着气候变化导致 winters becoming colder, residential heating costs have become a major concern for many households. However, for communities equipped with direct-heating water dispensers, this is no longer a problem. By installing these machines in common areas or even within individual homes, residents can enjoy hot and clean drinking water without the need to burn fossil fuels or rely on electricity-powered heaters.

The benefits of such systems are twofold: not only do they provide an alternative source of heat during cold weather but also create additional revenue streams for the community. This is achieved through various means:

Subscription-based model: Residents can pay a monthly fee to access the hot water service.

Volume-based pricing: The more hot water consumed by residents, the higher the earnings generated.

Advertising opportunities: Businesses can be encouraged to place advertisements near or around these dispensers in exchange for sponsoring part of their maintenance costs.


As temperatures rise during summer months, maintaining indoor coolness becomes essential for comfort and health reasons alike. Direct-cooling water dispensers offer another opportunity to generate revenue from providing this vital service.

By offering cooling services alongside their usual function of providing clean drinking water at room temperature (or any desired temperature), communities gain further economic advantages:

Cooling subscription plans: Just like with heating services, residents may opt into paying fees per month or per use based on their cooling needs.

Promoting energy-efficient appliances: Communities could incentivize residents to purchase energy-saving appliances in return for discounts on cooling services provided through direct-cooling devices.

Educational programs about energy conservation

These initiatives contribute significantly towards creating new income sources while enhancing overall well-being among community members.

