新品 DW系列单层带式干燥机(DW系列)

DW形带式干燥机 DW BELT DRYER ★用途概述 :General of application ※DW 型产品突出专用性。用于透气性较好的片状、条状、颗粒状物料的干燥,对于脱水蔬菜,中药饮片等含水量高,而温度不允许高的物料尤为适用;该系列干燥机具有干燥速度快,蒸发强度高,产品质量好的优点。对脱水滤饼状的膏状物料,需经造粒或制成棒状后亦可干燥。 ※DW machine gives prominence to special application. It is suitable for drying piece, strip or granule material with better air penetrability. For dehydrated vegetable, drinking tablet of Chinese medicine that contain high moisture and does not permit at high temperature, it is suitable particularly. It features high drying speed, strong evaporation strength, high quality, etc. for paste material such as dehydrated filtering caky, it can be dried after granulated too. ★技术参数:Technical Data 型号 Specification DW-1.2-8 DW-1.2-10 DW-1.6-8 DW-1.6-10 DW-2.0-8 DW-2.0-10 网带宽 (m) W of screen belt 1.2 1.6 2 干燥段长 (m)L of drying section 8 10 8 10 8 10 铺料厚 (mm )Thickness of material to be spread 10-80 蒸汽压 (Mpa) Steam pressure 0.2-0.8 蒸汽耗量 (kg/h) Consumption of steam 120-300 150-375 150-375 170-470 180-500 225-600 干燥强度 (kg.H 2 O/h) Drying strength 60-160 80-220 75-220 95-250 100-260 120-300 风机总功率 (kw)Total power of fan 9.9 12.1 9.9 12.1 18.2 22.2 设备总功率 (kw) Power of equipment 11.4 13.6 11.4 13.6 19.7 23.7