在智能交通领域,自动驾驶技术的发展正面临一场寒冬。尽管Waymo这样的公司在自动驾驶方面取得了巨大进展,但Waymo的CEO John Krafcik承认,这项技术仍然需要很长时间才能普及。这是因为自动驾驶系统必须能够在任何天气和情况下都能正常工作,而这是一项极其复杂的任务。
英特尔通过收购Mobileye展示了其对于自动驾驶领域获取先机的意图。而英伟达则已经成为特斯拉、沃尔沃和百度等公司供应商,其推出的Drive PX2和Xavier等产品为自动驾驶提供了强大的计算能力。联发科也正在积极参与这个市场,它宣布进入车用芯片市场,并将旗下的汽车芯片业务以6亿美元价格卖给国内服务商四维图新。
然而,由于国内企业在此领域刚刚起步,有些只是近几年才开始转入,有些还未量产,有些即便量产但还未得到一定规模实际应用相比于英伟达、高通这样的国际巨头,以及快速应用落地的情况,可以看出国产smart car chip market仍然处于起步阶段。
随着全球对绿色能源、新能源交通工具需求增加,对应类型电子组件尤其是microcontrollers, DSPs and specialized automotive-grade GPUs, FPGAs will become increasingly important in the automotive industry.
The global autonomous vehicle market is expected to reach $540 billion by 2019, according to a report by Intel and Strategy Analytics. By 2035, the market could reach $800 billion.
So what do we need in smart car chips?
According to Dr. Guo Yan Dong, Computer Vision Chief Researcher at XPeng Motors AI Products Department: "Firstly, for front-end solutions, the onboard chip must meet the level of automotive regulations (AEC-Q), with higher requirements than those used in smartphones for temperature etcetera. Additionally, since onboard chips are responsible for safety-related functions, they require high reliability and stability as well as strong computational capabilities."
In conclusion, while there are challenges ahead for China's smart car chip industry to catch up with international giants like Intel and NVIDIA in terms of technology development and application deployment speed; however with domestic companies such as Horizon Robotics (Horizon), Wuhan Haitian Zhixing Technology Co., Ltd., Four-dimensional Integrated Circuit Design Co., Ltd., Ganran Microelectronics Co., Ltd entering this field rapidly expanding their product lines into ADAS system components including cameras and radar systems; it is believed that China can make significant progress in this area over time