空间限制:无线传感器通常体积较小,electric power design need to achieve high-efficiency energy conversion in limited space.
成本考虑:物联网应用通常涉及大量传感器节点部署,因此electric power design's cost is also an important factor to consider.
LDO是一种linearity voltage regulator,它通过调整输出与输入之间差值(即压差)来保持输出稳定的特征。LDO具有以下特点:
低压差:能够保持较大输出当前时仍有较低之press difference,从而提高效率。
高精度:其output voltage precision高,满足wireless sensor对stable power supply需求。
低噪声:其noise performance good,有助于减少wireless sensor noise interference.
简单易用: 使用相对简单,不需复杂control circuit.
選擇合適型號: 根據無線傳遞sensor功率需求選擇具有low static current and low press difference 的 LDO type, 以減少整體能耗.
優化power management策略: 结合無線傳遞sensor work mode, adopt reasonable power management strategy like sleep mode or low-power mode to further reduce energy consumption.
優化LDO circuit design: Through optimizing input filter circuit, output feedback circuit etc., improve stability of LDO and ensure wireless sensor stable operation under various environment conditions.
釋放熱關斷與過流保護機制: In LDO design add thermal shutdown and overcurrent protection mechanisms to prevent damage caused by overheating or overcurrents, enhancing system reliability.
使用小封裝LDO: Choose small package LDO devices that match the limited space of wireless sensors.
PCBA layout optimization: Optimize PCB layout for LDO and its surrounding circuits, making full use of available space while reducing interference.
Select cost-effective LDo model: While meeting performance requirements choose a cost-effective LDo model for lower total costs.
Simplify electric circuitry design.: By simplifying electric circuitry designs & reducing component count decrease production costs.
Take as example a certain type of IoT wireless temperature sensor whose power supply is designed using an LDo solution:
1.Select a low-static-current-and-low-pressure-difference-type-LD0 device suitable for the low-power requirement of the wireless temperature sensor;
2.Add a filter at the input end of the LD0 to minimize input voltage fluctuations affecting output voltage;
3.Add feedback loop and overcurrent protection at output end to ensure stable output voltage and enhance system reliability;
By doing so this wireless temperature sensor achieves its goal in achieving low power consumption with high stability in compact size through efficient energy conversion within limited space while keeping down production costs effectively providing reliable power assurance for IoT applications;