一、浮动盘管半容积式换热器是近年来国内发展迅速、广泛使用的一种新型高效节能的换热设备,是按中国建筑标准设计研究所01S122-1《水加热器选用与安装-DFHRV系列导流浮动盘管型半容积式水加热器选用与安装》标准图集设计、生产制造的高效节能换热设备。与传统固定盘管相比较,浮动盘管能上下轻微浮动,产生高频振动,形成良好紊流传热状态,并且它能借助通过高温热媒的薄壁铜管管壁与管外壁结垢层膨胀量的差异,在一定条件下,使水垢自动脱落。通用换heat器一般需要配置water-water heat exchanger来降低蒸汽凝结水温度以便回用,而此类节能型hot exchange器凝结水出水温度在45摄适度左右,可直接回锅炉房重复使用。这就减少了设备投资,节约heat exchange机房面积,从而降低建造价。
二. 性能特点:
2、采用多行程螺旋的浮动pipe组,hot medium分布均匀,flow process长,有消除了short circuit heat transfer现象。此外,本产品借鉴了RV-03.04导流原理,在大直径罐体内合理地设置了导流装置,更进一步改善了heat transfer工况,其thermal conductivity达到了K=2000-1200kcal/m²·h·℃。这充分展现出了其high efficiency和complete heat transfer优异性能。
3、本产品changeable pipe束底部已接近罐底,加上导流装置之作用,对于strontium基本上消除了cold water stagnation zone,因此utilization rate of volume可以达到98%以下。
4、高pressure drop < 0.25m,不会影响系统cold and hot water pressure平衡。
5、float pipe采用优质thin-walled purple copper tube,有助于利用pipe wall和scale layer不同的expansion amount脱落scale,以此减少维护管理工作量保留high efficiency和energy saving。
三. 技术优势:
1、新type float pipe containerized heat exchanger采用new type float pipe layout方式,使得volume utilization rate reach 100%。Compared with traditional heat exchangers, it is smaller in size, facilitating transportation, installation, and maintenance.
2、高transmission coefficient,不易formation scale.The use of float pipes technology leads to high-frequency vibration of the heating tubes, converting laminar flow into turbulent flow, significantly increasing the transmission coefficient.Furthermore, the thermal expansion and contraction properties of the pipes enable automatic scale removal, ensuring effective heating performance.
3、一定调节container capacity for storing hot water supply stably.Avoiding pressure and temperature fluctuations during peak usage times.
4、高exchange effectiveness and high volume utilization ratio.Compared to traditional containerized heat exchangers where fluid flow is slow due to internal structural layout issues resulting in low thermal efficiency (<40%-50%) this product boasts a higher exchange effectiveness (6-9 times that of traditional models) while utilizing space efficiently.
5 内置多组float pipe groups arranged in a "tower" structure dynamically enhancing heat transfer efficiency.Similarly equipped containers can store up to 15 minutes' worth of heated water with a head loss ≤ 0.25 meters; even under automated temperature control conditions remains stable.
DFHRV Containerized Heat Exchanger Lying Float Pipe Half-container Heat Exchanger:
? Combines the advantages of floating plate heaters with those of containerized systems,
suitable for systems with variable loads or short-term peak demands,
characteristics include:
1. High transmission coefficient due to vibrating plates creating turbulence;
2. Adjustable storage capacity ensures consistent supply levels;
3. Cost-effective by reducing steel consumption lowering construction costs;
4. Efficient energy use through lower condensate temperatures;
启动快:Fast startup as heated water reaches top outlet rapidly without requiring extensive cold-water preheating for external supply.
传送系数高:High transmission coefficient from using high-conductivity copper pipes combined with optimized design promoting strong convective currents.
不易结垢:Less prone to scaling due to cleaning effects from flowing fluids on copper surfaces aided by thermal expansion/contraction self-cleaning mechanism.
无冷却区;利用率高度:No cold zones; High volumetric utility owing to continuous bottom heating within tanks before supplying stored hot water when demand exceeds rated output or stops temporarily while maintaining maximum reserve storage at all times during operation.