此外,根据中 家用电器研究院实验数据处理中心提供的数据,从2017年到2019年共计100台波轮式洗衣机会进行了除菌检验,其中高于96%(合格)的比例分别为8%-11%,高于99%'s reach 23%-33%, and the kill rate of bacteria exceeding 99.9%, accounting for 46-55%. The data also shows that more than 55%, which is equivalent to the disinfection level of a sterilizer, reached the standards of star (), star () or even star () in terms of killing bacteria.
The data reveals that while there is a significant difference in the bacterial kill rates between household washing machines with drum and those with cylinder, both types can still be trusted for their antimicrobial properties, reaching an average level.
In summary, although there are differences in performance between different washing machine models, it's important to note that all these devices have been designed to provide effective cleaning and sanitizing functions for your clothes.