


1. 观察色泽


2. 水质检测器


3. 鉴定标准

根据国家标准,比如《城镇公供地下埋藏管网输送给排放卫生规范》及《城镇供排 水管理条例》,我们可以参考以下几个主要指标:







如何判断家里的-water quality good or bad?

The answer is not just about the taste, but also about the physical and chemical properties of your water supply.

In this article, we will explore some practical methods to test your home's water quality and share real-life examples to help you understand how to identify potential issues and take corrective action.

Firstly, observe the color of your tap water: if it appears cloudy or has an unusual odor, it may indicate contamination in your household plumbing system.

Secondly, use a portable or fixed-type water quality testing device that can analyze parameters such as pH value, hardness level (in millimoles per liter), electrical conductivity (EC), etc., which are key indicators of a healthy drinking water source.

Finally, refer to national standards for comparison purposes:

pH Value: typically between 6.5 and 9.5.

Hardness Level:

Soft (<1 mmol/l)

Neutral (1 < x ≤ 3 mmol/l)

Semi-hard (x > 3 < x ≤ 6 mmol/l)

Hard (>x ≥ 6 mmol/l)

If any parameter exceeds these limits during testing, you should consider taking measures like installing reverse osmosis devices or changing the source to ensure safe consumption.

For instance:

Mr Lee noticed white sediment particles floating in his family's tap water along with a faint metallic smell after using their home appliances for several months without incident detection until then he decided they would perform an extensive inspection under professional guidance who found out that rusting pipes inside their heating system had been causing iron ions leakage into their drinking supply This problem was resolved by replacing old piping sections & adding filtration systems ensuring clean & safe drinking at all times since then