
产品描述: 北京盛世华人供应链管理有限公司,总部设在北京,是集冷链设备设施研发验证、物联网技术应用与现代供应链管理于一体的专业化第三方物流与供应链管理服务企业,连续多年位列行业前茅。 盛世华人为医药医疗行业客户提供商业医药冷链物流、生命科学冷链物流、SPD院内物流、国际门到门冷链物流等多项服务,可提供符合GXP标准的定制化综合物流解决方案,包括但不限于:医药医疗产品的全球主被动温控运输、温控包装设计、静态动态验证、温度数据的分析管理、生命科学领域的重包装、进出口特殊物品关务处理等一站式医药温控解决方案。 作为**参与医药及医疗器械GSP法规编撰及修订的第三方物流企业,盛世华人深耕医药物流领域达20年,不断用技术创新引领行业发展,2017年获得高新技术企业认定;2019年获得中国医药商业协会认证的涉药运输服务评级双五星单位;因新冠疫情期间的突出表现,2021年被评为北京市级模范集体。 公司地址:北京市大兴区大族广场T4楼1903 联系电话:010-67889225 As the only third-party logistics enterprise participating in the compilation and revision of pharmaceutical and medical device GSP regulations, Shengshi Chinese has been deeply ploughing into the field of pharmaceutical logistics for 20 years, and has continuously led the development of the industry with technological innovations, and was recognised as a high and new technology enterprise in 2017; was certified as a double-five-star unit of rating for drug-related transport services by China Pharmaceutical Business Association in 2019; and, due to the outstanding performance during the New Crown Epidemic in 2021, was rated as a Beijing-level model collective. Address:1903, T4 Building, Dazhou Plaza, Daxing District, Beijing, China Tel: 0086-10-67889225