
3月9日,TCL 2021春季新品发布会如期举行,并在微博、腾讯视频、B站等47个平台同步上线直播。发布会上,TCL实业兼TCL电子CEO王成与合作伙伴、媒体和线上观众一同见证了TCL 2021新智慧科技产品矩阵的重磅发布。 本次春季新品发布会,TCL以“智慧科技更懂你”的主题,并正式发布了旗下全套系AI家电新品——TCL灵悉C12全套系AI家电,重磅升级全场景智慧家电体系。

TCL智慧新风空调作为TCL灵悉C12的成员,携行业领先的新风技术重磅亮相发布会。 智慧健康柔风,升级2.0 为提供更舒适体验,TCL空调再次突破智慧柔风技术难题,将原来的单一柔风模式升级为四种柔风不直吹模式:柔风、热毯风、沐浴风和环抱风。此举确保了多场景下的有凉意舒适温度,让冷气贴墙而不直接吹人。

恒温新風技術頻破業界技術壁垒 Tackling the issue of temperature fluctuations caused by new air entering the room, TCL's smart new wind air conditioner employs a temperature compensation technology that processes the incoming air through a heat exchanger before mixing it with the main airflow, maintaining a stable indoor temperature.

Furthermore, users can now activate new wind independently without turning on cooling or heating modes. This effectively adds another standalone air purifier to their home. Additionally, TCL has innovatively designed an adjustable vent for fresh air entry to avoid direct impact on ceilings and reduce potential damage.

The product also boasts innovative installation capabilities that allow for seamless integration without requiring expansion or secondary drilling into walls, eliminating noise pollution and structural issues associated with traditional installations.

Industry insiders praise this latest release from TCL as an embodiment of "smart technology that understands you better." The combination of advanced features such as soft winds and constant temperatures makes this model stand out in its field while addressing long-standing pain points in previous designs.