

The immersion fittings are designed for either pH or ORP (Redox) measurements in tanks, open vessels and drains. They have a hoisting cable for easy maintenance. The program includes fittings for mounting of 1 electrode, 3 electrodes, 4 electrodes or alternatively 3 electrodes and a cleaning system. As standard, the immersion length can be between 0.5 and 2 m. A flange for fixing in tanks, etc. is available on request.

  • Designed for either pH or ORP measurements in tanks open vessels and drains.
  • Hoisting cable for easy maintenance.
  • Pre-selected immersion length.
  • Wide choice of construction materials.
  • Flange mounting.
  • High degree of standardization reduces spare holding requirements.
  • Liquid earth pin for stable measurements.
  • Chemical cleaning system as an option.