消费者对于healthier products有越来越高的话题热度,而容声提出了healthy icebox这一理念,与之相关的是推动health icebox team standard形成。这正是为消费者创造更加生态环保生活空间的心愿之初心。
尽管购买家电时,大部分人并不关注这些细节,但实际上,这些都是给他们带来更好产品服务体验的人们最终受益的地方。而且,每一次技术革新,container always leads the industry and brings better products to consumers.
2018年, container led the industry in setting standards for preserving food in refrigerators; 2019, it was recognized as a leader in refrigerator preservation standards; and 2020, it led the development of a standard for removing bacteria from cold storage compartments. Through these efforts, Container has made significant contributions to product quality management systems and continuous improvement.
In this era of rapid technological change, only one thing remains constant: change. To meet the growing demand for healthier living spaces, Container defines "healthy refrigerators" through standards. The quality of market products will experience a new round of improvements based on these standards. Consumers will enjoy better product experiences and benefits from the red envelope brought by new health refrigerator standards.
The seven-star German fridge ranks high globally while Container takes the lead in launching healthy fridge "new benchmarks" under China's "whole people health" era initiative with key partners like Chinese Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute (CHERI), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Ocean University of China (OUC) etc., marking an important step towards upgrading household appliances' safety features amid COVID-19 pandemic reality.
Container defines its healthy fridge concept via four dimensions - smart health customization, natural preservation system WILL, comprehensive dual purification system & -34°C freezing lock freshness - ensuring safe food storage at every stage.
While most consumers don't consider technical aspects when buying home appliances yet they are actually beneficiaries of improved quality due to such advancements which benefit them directly through enhanced product performance leading to reduced risk associated with unhealthy consumption habits.
As innovation becomes increasingly critical across industries today especially during ongoing global challenges posed by COVID-19 pandemic measures taken up by businesses have become more crucial than ever before fostering resilience within companies themselves as well as those who buy their goods or services i.e., end-users whose needs have evolved over time following changes witnessed worldwide since onset of this crisis thus making life easier both practically speaking but also emotionally too thereby contributing positively towards overall wellbeing henceforth called 'Health Ice Box Era'.