




1987年引进SCOOT系统、1988年引入SCATS系统后,一批其他城市相继建设不同规模不同的系统。此外,在同一年组织研发国家重点科技攻关项目《城市交通管理》,这是我国自行研制开发第一个实时自适应城区traffic control system.


进入2000年代,“畅通工程”推出及各地建造指挥中心后,加快了应用阶段。国内厂商研发了一系列道路traffic signal control systems,并在全国范围内进行大规模应用,同时相关标准也逐步实施。

2001-2003年期间,有SMOOTH系统投入试点运行感应功能;2004-05年的浙江省斥巨资研发Intelliffic traffic signal control system;而HiCon adaptive traffic signal control system则成功实现性能测试第一名并打破国外垄断局面,为中国traffic signal development history写下重要篇章。

In the following years, there was a shift towards interconnectedness and internet integration. The use of advanced technologies such as video image processing became more prevalent, with applications like the city brain project in Hangzhou. Additionally, companies like Didi Chuxing began to contribute their own data and algorithms to optimize traffic flow.

By 2017, traditional smart transportation companies also started to invest in signal control systems. Beijing Yunda Information Technology Co., Ltd. released "Yi Hui" and "Yi Ce" products that utilized big data and artificial intelligence for real-time traffic analysis.

The standards for these systems were also gradually established, such as the national standard "Road Traffic Signal Control System General Technical Requirements" which outlined requirements for system structure, functionality, performance indicators etc.

Despite these advancements however there are still some areas where improvement is needed. For example while there have been significant advances in technology over the past few decades but it has not yet reached its full potential due to factors such as insufficient investment or lack of coordination between different stakeholders within an urban area.

This article highlights how China's road traffic signals have evolved from manual operation to self-adaptive controls over a period of four decades. It shows how Chinese cities transformed from relying on bicycles and buses during the 70s and 80s into bustling metropolises with advanced infrastructure by 2018.

The text provides information about key milestones including the introduction of computerized centralized line control systems (green wave bands), early attempts at automation using SCOOT/SCATS systems followed by indigenous developments like HiCon adaptive controllers.

It discusses how local manufacturers rose up against foreign dominance through innovative solutions; Internet integration becoming increasingly prominent especially after Didi Chuxing entered this market space.

Finally it touches upon ongoing challenges faced by these modern intelligent transportation systems despite having made considerable progress since inception.

Note: This version maintains all original content but rephrased several sentences for clarity while ensuring accuracy remains intact throughout each section